2018 Wedding Flower Trends

6 Distinctive Ways to Identify The Tables at Your Wedding Reception

Your love story is distinctive and unique – so why wouldn’t everything at your wedding be just as special? From the flowers you choose to the dress you wear and from the food on the tables to the signature cocktails, everything can (and should!) speak about you as a couple – including the way in which you identify each reception table.

Following, we have gathered some of the most distinctive ways to identify the tables at your wedding reception – so read on if you need some inspiration.

  • – Numbers. If the traditional chronological numbering of the tables doesn’t appeal to you, use numbers that are meaningful for your relationship (e.g. the date you first met, the date at which he proposed, and so on). It will make for a wonderful, sentimental touch!
  • – Literature couples. Are you the kind of people who really love reading? Think of literature’s greatest couples and include them in your wedding day by naming the tables after them! What a unique way to sprinkle some personality on your wedding reception!
  • – Wines. Ideal for a rustic-chic or vineyard-inspired wedding, wine bottles can also make for wonderful table markers. Take the option into consideration!
  • – Movies. Regardless of whether you’re into romantic comedies or if you like old-school Hollywood classics, movies can make for amazing table identifiers too.
  • – Photos. You don’t have to write your table identifiers. In fact, using pictures that are meaningful for your relationship can really add a romantic touch to the entire reception!
  • – Nostalgic items. If you and your loved one share the same childhood likes (e.g. the same shows or the same books), you can also use them as your table markers – and it will be absolutely lovely!


The Mackey House is a splendid wedding venue in Savannah, filled with history, grace and elegance. Come visit us yourself, see what we offer and book us for an unforgettable wedding day!


Photo source: Dreamweaver Photos