Should you Have an Evening or Daytime Wedding?

As a Savannah Georgia wedding venue you can imagine how many weddings we host a year.  The same question comes up during our consults..should we have an evening or daytime wedding?  Of course, Savannah weddings are beautiful anytime of the day so it comes down to your preference.

photo credit: flickr/LeLand Francisco


Perhaps if we shared a few guidelines and traditional elements of both types of weddings you’ll be able to make an educated decision:


  • An evening wedding with reception to follow is a very common choice because most feel comfortable dancing and having a drink at night.  Of course if these elements aren’t important to you then perhaps a daytime wedding suits you better.
  • There’s something to be said about evening wedding intimacy that is different than a daytime wedding.  The lights are low, moonlight shining and typically people are in the mood for romance at night.


  • For couples on a budget, daytime weddings are a good choice.  Guests won’t expect a large evening meal and they’ll more than likely drink less alcoholic beverages.  One thing to keep in mind though is that other Savannah wedding professionals won’t be able to book other events on the day of your wedding so you may be looking at a higher cost for services.

There’s no reason why you can’t combine the two times of day.  Why not have a daytime ceremony and an evening reception?  That way your once in a lifetime event can become a once in a lifetime day filled with good friends and memories to last forever.

Whether you choose a daytime Savannah wedding or an evening one, The Mackey House has hosted both and we’re ready to make your event spectacular.  What are your thoughts?  When you think of a wedding in Savannah, do you think daytime or evening..and why?


Photo credit: flickr/LeLand Francisco