creative bride and groom wedding photograph

5 Social Media Ideas for Brides & Grooms

Your wedding is a huge moment in your life – how much of its planning should go on social media, though? If you are not very certain of what modern wedding etiquette has to say about this, read on and find out more – we have gathered the top 5 social media ideas for brides & grooms who want to make sure they do it the proper way… even in the digital age.

  1. Be careful of what you share and with whom. Truth be told, you most likely have a lot of people in your social network list – and not even 10% of them are actual friends. Why would you want to share your wedding details with them, especially if you don’t plan on inviting them to the Big Day?
  2. Furthermore, remember that some people may feel offended if they see wedding details on your social media and they haven’t been invited to the wedding. Try to be discrete – it will be better for everyone.
  3. Don’t ruin the surprise. You want to wow your guests, not to reveal everything to them before they even reach the wedding. Try to hint at things that would make them curious, but don’t share every single detail with them on social media.
  4. Talk to your fiancé and make sure you’re both on the same page when it comes to social media, what goes there, and how much is too much. This is a huge event for both of you, so it’s only natural to do things this way.
  5. Try to avoid negativity. Ranting about the lack of wedding dress options or the fact that your favorite blooms won’t be in season is not the kind of thing you want to share on Facebook. Keep it happy and positive instead!

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Photo credit: Dreamweaver Photos