Top 7 questions to find your perfect wedding venue!

In Savannah, GA there are a number of places that will host your wedding and reception – whether it’s a traditional venue or a special place that has meaning for you and your spouse-to-be.  So how do you choose the one that’s right for you?

As a wedding and reception venue, there are a number of things that we ask each couple to ensure we can fit each of their needs and wants for their special day – so in turn, there are things you can look for when finding the right space!

Here are the 7 questions that will get you what you need:

1)      What are your dates?  If you already have a special date in mind, you need to be sure your venue is available then, if you don’t have one in mind, see what they have available and make your plans starting there.
2)      How many guests?  You need a rough idea of how many people the venue can comfortably seat before you decide – if you have 200 family members and the venue only holds 50, there’s an immediate issue.
3)      Does the venue use outside vendors?  If you already know a caterer and a baker that you want to use, you need to be sure your venue will allow them to cater – if you don’t already have someone, ask the venue who they prefer and how to get in touch with them.
4)      How do you select the music?  Some venues only allow certain music – like DJs versus live performances, be sure to know which one your venue allows.
5)      Do you have a religious preference?  Some religions require ceremonies to take place within the sanctuary, be sure your wedding officiant is comfortable with your choice of venue.
6)      How about special touches?  Does your site add flowers, candles, table centerpieces?  Find out what all they are willing to do to help your day be exactly what you imagined.
7)      How much do you want to do yourself?  A number of venues – like The Mackey House – can help you in many ways – some can offer full-service opportunities for the bride so very little falls upon her shoulders and some can step out of the way and allow you (or your wedding planner) to completely organize the ceremony – the choice is yours!

Once you know the answer to these questions, you’ll have a better feel for what you need done and how others can best assist you in creating the best possible day for your wedding and reception.

If you need additional ideas, don’t hesitate to give us a call at The Mackey House – we’re always looking for new and inventive ways to make your wedding day one to remember!

The Mackey House is one of the premier Savannah wedding venues, located just minutes from Downtown. For more information, please visit our Savannah wedding page, as well as join our conversation on Facebook and Twitter