Why choose an historic wedding venue?
History shapes us all. Academics continue to study, analyze and learn new things about our history every day. Entire career pathways have been dedicated to studying and comprehending our history since the dawn of time.
So why bring it into your wedding day?
Different brides will give different answers – “it’s different,” “it’s meaningful to our family,” “it ties in the importance of the community,” “this place is beautiful,” – but regardless of the reason, historical wedding venues can bring about an ambiance you may not have considered before.
The Mackey House itself, rich in Georgia History, punctuates a property that goes back to 1782 and has been a part of the family since 1933. The land has been used for everything from farming to Civil War encampments to home to a highlander and governor of the Georgia Colony.
As you walk among the 200-year-old oak trees, you start to understand why so many brides have chosen The Mackey House as their place for their day. You feel the majesty of the land and its roots as you saunter around the pavilion, the ponds, and the gardens planning the exact location of your guests, your vows, and where to have your very first kiss as a married couple.
Historical locations give your wedding an extra special sense of the two of you, your history, your values, your style, all while adding an additional interest for your guests. Historic sites also lead to unique wedding photographs for you and your spouse-to-be that will be passed down for generations – creating your family’s own “history” and adding to the sites importance.
We know there are a number of places you can choose to have your wedding in Savannah, GA, we also know we’re not the only location with rich tradition and historical stories to share. At The Mackey House, we will work with you to intertwine your story with that of the past and ensure your day is all about you.
The Mackey House is one of the premier Savannah wedding venues, located just minutes from Downtown. For more information, please visit our Savannah wedding page, as well as join our conversation on Facebook and Twitter.